
- Powell, M. and M. Williams. 2024. Trends in Salmonella Infantis Human Illness Incidence and Chicken Carcass Prevalence in the USA; 1996-2019. Risk Analysis.
- Johnston, J., E. Ebel, M. Williams, E. Esteban, S. Lupton, E.J. Scholljegerdes, S. Ivey, M. Powell, and D. Smith. 2023. A Blood-Based Ante-Mortem Method for Estimating PFOS in Beef from Contaminated Dairy Cattle. ACS Agricultural Science & Technology.
- Powell, M. 2023. Trends in Reported Illness Due to Poultry- and Non-Poultry Associated Salmonella Serotypes; United States 1996-2019. Risk Analysis. 44:641–649.
- Powell, M., S. Crim, R. Hoekstra, M. Williams, W. Gu. 2018. Temporal Patterns in Principal Salmonella Serotypes in the United States; 1996-2014. Epidemiology and Infection. 146: 437–441.
- Powell, M. 2016. Trends in Reported Foodborne Illness in the United States; 1996-2013. Risk Analysis. 36(8): 1589-1598.
- Powell, M. 2015. Risk-Based Sampling: I Don’t Want to Weight in Vain. Risk Analysis. 35(12):2172-2182.
- Lutter, R., Abbott, L., Borgert, C., Bradley, A., Charnely, G., Dudley, S., Felsot, A., Golden, N., Gray, G., Juberg, D., Mitchell, M., Rachman, N., Rhomberg, L., Solomon, K., Sundlof, S., Willett, K. 2015. Improving the weight of evidence approaches to chemical evaluations. Risk Analysis 35(2):185-92.
- Powell, M. 2015. The Food Safety Impact of the Codex Sampling Plans for Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods: An Empirical Case Study Applying the FAO/WHO Sampling Plan Tool. Food Control. 58:43-50.
- Scott, V. N., M. Powell, J. Cabrerac, M. Carullod, I. Martineze, and V. Lohachoompolf. 2015. Development of microbiological criteria to assess the acceptability of a food lot: An example for milk powder. Food Control. 58:12-16.
- Powell, M. 2014. Optimal Food Safety Sampling Under a Budget Constraint. Risk Analysis. 34(1): 93-100.