Infrastructure Investment

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-22-08 Reports
Reports of Federal Financial Assistance Programs for Infrastructure Administered by USDA as Required by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
On January 20, 2022, USDA issued Federal Register Notice (FRN) Report of Federal Financial Assistance Programs for Infrastructure Administered by USDA as Required by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The FRN makes USDA’s 60-day report available to the public and viewed on this web page.
This web page contains the USDA’s 60-Day Report and the Report on Relevant Items, Manufactured Goods, and Construction Materials Used in Infrastructure Projects to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress in accordance with the Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and OMB Memorandum M-22-08, OMB Memorandum M-22-08, “Identification of Federal Financial Assistance Infrastructure Programs Subject to the Build America, Buy America Provisions of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.”
USDA’s 60-day report contains a list of infrastructure programs by Assistance Listing Number and Title from the following agencies: Agricultural Marketing Service, Food and Nutrition Service, National Institutes of Food and Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Rural Business Cooperative Service, and Rural Utilities Service. Each listing identifies all domestic content procurement preferences applicable to the Federal financial assistance program, domestic content procurement preference requirements, applicable domestic content procurement preference requirements, and project descriptions.
USDA’s report is set forth at: 60 Day IIJA Report (DOCX, 42.6 KB)
Report to OMB on Relevant Items, Manufactured Goods, and Construction Materials Used in Infrastructure Projects
This report identifies relevant iron and steel items, manufactured goods, and construction materials used in infrastructure projects supported by Federal financial assistance programs. The same agencies listed in the 60-day Report section above submitted a separate report that identifies typical iron and steel items, manufactured goods, and construction materials used in projects supported by such programs. For each item, product, or material listed, or, if appropriate, each category of items, goods, and materials listed, this report identifies:
- (1) Whether the item is relevant to any of the six critical supply chains identified in Executive Order 14017, America’s Supply Chains and listed in the Securing America’s Critical Supply Chains Fact Sheet.
- (2) Whether the agency is aware of limitations on the domestic manufacturing or production of such item, good, or material.
- (3) Whether the agency has successfully worked to increase or develop domestic production of such items, goods, or materials in the past.
USDA’s report is set forth at: Report on Items Goods Materials (DOCX, 29.6 KB).
Questions regarding this report should be directed to Tyson Whitney, Director, Transparency & Accountability Reporting Division at 202-720-8978 or