Brand, Events/Exhibits & Editorial Review

The USDA brand is essential to public recognition and represents a single face to all USDA customers. The Brand, Events, Exhibits, and Editorial Review Division (BEEERD) ensures that the USDA logo is used appropriately and effectively in informational items, products, and services. Consistent use of the USDA brand across all media will enhance public awareness of the Department's significant role in the lives of all Americans and ensure recognition of USDA's services.
Services we provide:
- Branding of USDA
- Use of the Department's official Logo and Seal
- Constituent Affairs
- Event/Exhibit Coordination across USDA (DOCX, 59.6 KB)
- Clearance and review of traditional and online publishing of external publications
USDA Departmental Regulation 1410-001, Publications Review/Clearance Policy, explains agencies' responsibilities for publication planning and coordination and for obtaining clearance.
With the "One USDA" concept, the use of logos, theme art, and graphic elements perceived as logos must be approved by the Director of Branding, Events, Exhibits and Editorial Review Division (BEEERD), Office of Communications (OC). Prior to submission to the Office of Communication requests must be approved by the Agency Communications or Public Affairs Director (PAD) or Head of Agency or Staff Office.
Once we receive this information along with layout and other supporting information, we will determine if usage of the logo/seal is appropriate. If approved, we will send a copy of the logo in the format you request. To submit a request visit our Forms page.
Guidance Documents
- Facility Signage Guide (PDF, 419 KB) | Text-only (accessible) version (TXT, 3.9 KB)
- USDA Style Guide
Mike Illenberg
Director of Events, Print and Editorial Review
Office of Communications
U.S. Department of Agriculture
408-A Whitten Bldg.
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250
(202) 720-0494