Printing Services

The Printing Division, USDA's central printing and publications management organizations mission is to provide all printing related services to our customers in a professional, economical, and timely manner, in support of USDA's mission; and in accordance with Federal laws and regulations (Title 44 U.S.C., the Government Printing & Binding Regulations, and all Department regulations).
USDA customers rely on our expertise to recommend the most appropriate printing options. We give careful consideration to schedules, specifications, budgets, and other preferences to meet specific customer needs.
To ensure the highest printing quality, we assist in reviewing color proofs and perform press sheet inspections at commercial printers. We also coordinate with the Creative Media, Editorial, and Photography Divisions to ensure that all Departmental policies and Federal regulations are met.
Want to get something printed?
Customers should submit Form AD-78 Request for Printing and Binding (PDF, 741 KB), along with either a manuscript copy; camera ready copy; or a CD-ROM with a printer's copy. GPO Form 952 - Desktop Publishing Disk Information (PDF, 118 KB), must be provided for each CD-ROM.
Printed materials intended for external audiences require a clearance from Editorial Review prior to any design or printing production. Administrative printed materials used solely by USDA do not require a clearance.
The links below provide additional printing programs that the Government Printing Office has made available for your printing needs.
GPO EXPRESS Program for USDA Employees (DOC, 45 KB)
Simplified Purchasing Agreement (SPA)
Deposits Account
USDA Printing Services
USDA Printing Services
South Building
USDA Printing Services
George Washington Carver Center
Business Cards
Both Envision Print and the USDA Office of Operations Print Shop have templates to print business cards. Envision Print is the approved GPO vendor. USDA may also be used.
Envision Print Direct - 316.425.7195 |
USDA Printing Services USDA Printing Services |
Printing Database Reports
Printing customers can access the "read only" file of the Printing Division database. They can print a copy of the completed SF-1 and/or GPO-2511 form, if necessary. This is for Internal USDA use only.
The Printing Branch database can be accessed here: Printing Report Database
Mike Illenberg
Acting Director of Events, Print and Editorial Review
Office of Communications
U.S. Department of Agriculture
408-A Whitten Bldg.
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250
(202) 720-0494