As the USDA Farmers Market prepares to begin a new season, we invite everyone to come celebrate the richness and diversity of the market and the DC community that brings us all together. Whether you're a federal employee, a sight-seeing tourist, or a long-time resident, we are all a part of what makes DC unique. We all play a role in supporting the businesses and economy of the city and the region. You are guaranteed a fun time if you join us on June 7 for our market opening.
We are excited about the team of vendors that will be with us this season. From juicy fresh peaches and other seasonal produce to sweet-smelling hand crafted soap, they offer an array of products that can be enjoyed by all in our diverse community. You will be able to buy some of the best food and crafts available in the area. In addition, there are plenty of special events planned after I ring the ceremonial opening bell with Acting Agriculture Deputy Secretary Michael Scuse.
For those that appreciate fine fresh food and the art of its preparation, we have a couple of interesting items lined up. Reality T.V. fans will be glad to know that the Beekman Boys will be at the market opening. The stars of their own show and grand-prize winners on The Amazing Race will be signing a cookbook for market visitors. Everyone can also enjoy a live cooking demo by chefs from the local area.
We have a couple of special offerings for gardening enthusiasts. Market visitors will be able to play a role in keeping our community green as our USDA People’s Garden team will be handing out plants during the event. Visitors also can get a lesson about where their food comes from. The DC Central Kitchen will provide gardening tips from their popular truck farm, showing that is possible to garden in any environment.
Football fans should come to the opening to see which NFL star will be making a special appearance. Everyone will have the pleasure of listening to the sounds of the Columbia Heights Educational Campus band. Donations will be accepted for local food banks through the Feds Feed Families food drive.
Farmers markets instill a sense of pride in communities. The Agricultural Marketing Service is proud of the USDA Farmers Market and our connection to the vendors, customers, and the surrounding community. We hope that you will join us on June 7 at 9:45 a.m. for our opening and continue to visit us throughout the rest of the season. The market will be open every Friday at 12th and Independence Ave., S.W., from 10:00 am – 2:00 p.m.