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Showing: 1281 - 1290 of 8106 Results

USDA Agencies Work Together to Eradicate an Old Foe: the Screwworm

January 09, 2018 Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young, Administrator, Agricultural Research Service

Early in October 2016, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) was faced once again with New World screwworm, which had been eradicated from the United States more than three decades ago. Infestation of this flesh-eating parasite was confirmed in deer from the National Key Deer Refuge in the...

Research and Science

The Revolutionary Role of Wood in our Future

January 05, 2018 David N. Bengston, Research and Development, USDA Forest Service

Some people are just way ahead of their time. In the mid-20 th century, when most people thought of wood as an archaic and low-tech material, Egon Glesinger foresaw the revolutionary role it would play in our future, described in his book The Coming Age of Wood.


What’s Next for Agriculture in the World Trade Organization?

January 05, 2018 Jason Hafemeister, Trade Counsel, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Following the conclusion of the 11 th World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference last month, it’s time for WTO members to reflect, reset, and reinvigorate the agriculture negotiations to tackle the real-world international trade concerns that face agriculture today.


Collaboration Across Agencies Supports Food Assistance Research

January 05, 2018 Mark Prell, Food Assistance Branch, Economic Research Service

Who participates in federal food assistance programs, and how does participation affect their lives? Who doesn’t participate, and why not? Policymakers need high-quality data on such questions to make informed decisions about these programs, which affect millions of lives each year. That is why two...

Research and Science

The Conservation Gift That Benefits Us for Countless New Years to Come

January 04, 2018 Brianna Randall, Sage Grouse Initiative

As we bid farewell to the holiday season, it’s a good time to take stock of the gifts we received—and the gifts we gave. Conserving our natural resources is one of the ways we can give back to our children, communities, and economy for years to come.


MyPlate Makes It Easier for Health Professionals to Encourage Healthier Lifestyles in 2018

January 03, 2018 Barbara Jirka, Ph.D., Nutritionist, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, USDA Food Nutrition Service; and Corey Holland, RD, Nutritionist, Panum Group

The energy and excitement of beginning a new year makes January a popular time for making New Year’s resolutions. Often, two of the most popular resolutions focus on health: to get fit and to lose weight.

Food and Nutrition

Drone Collects Information to Benefit Great Lakes

December 28, 2017 Janel Crooks, Hiawatha National Forest, USDA Forest Service

The USDA Forest Service and Michigan Technological University (MTech) are using unmanned aerial systems, or drones, to advise the Hiawatha National Forest ’s land management efforts .


Ringing in the New Year with Traditionally Lucky Foods and Their Facts

December 27, 2017 LaKeya Jones, Agricultural Statistician, National Agricultural Statistics Service

The holidays are often a time for family, fun, and food. New Year’s is no exception. One thing many nations around the world have in common is the belief that eating certain foods on New Year’s will bring good luck and prosperity in the 12 months to follow.

Research and Science

Both Government and Private Company Food Labels Have Tradeoffs

December 27, 2017 Maria Bowman, Catherine Greene, and Fred Kuchler, Economic Research Service

For more than a century, American families have used government-regulated food labels, such as “USDA prime beef,” to help them decide what food products to buy. Today, consumers also look to food labels for information about how their food was grown and how healthy it is.

Food and Nutrition

Holiday Leftovers? We’ve Got You Covered!

December 26, 2017 Marianne Gravely, MS, Senior Technical Information Specialist, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA

All good things must come to an end, including the holidays. But leftovers from your holiday celebrations can help stretch out your holiday cheer.

Health and Safety


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