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Showing: 1 - 10 of 12108 Results

New Support for New World Screwworm Control


USDA Friday announced additional resources to respond to an insect pest impacting livestock in Mexico and Central America, and to keep this threat out of our country. (Rod Bain and Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Moffitt)

Daily Newsline

Advisory Committee Recommendation Report for Dietary Guidelines


What are among the takeaways contained in a recently issued federal advisory committee report focused on the next set of dietary guidelines for Americans? (Rod Bain and Janet de Jesus of the Department of Health and Human Services)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Dietary Guideline Advisory Committee Report Recommendations


Janet de Jesus of the Department of Human and Health Services discusses some of recommendations made by an advisory committee crafting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans for 2025 - 2030.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Next Steps in Dietary Guideline Development and Comment Process


Janet de Jesus of the Department of Health and Human Services discusses what is next in the process of crafting the latest round of the USDA-HHS joint Dietary Guidelines for Americans for the period of 2025-2030.

Daily Newsline

Gleaning News from USDA December Wheat Outlooks


What were some of the notable bits from USDA's latest look at global and U.S. wheat production, supply, and demand estimates? (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

Daily Newsline

Changes in World Corn Production Forecasts


Mexico and other non-U.S. Northern hemisphere countries contributed to adjustments in USDA's December global corn production forecasts. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

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Guest Speakers Announced for 2025 USDA Ag Outlook Forum


Two keynote speakers have been announced for the first day of the two-day USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum coming up this February. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Mark Jekanowski)

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Soybean Oil Exports Remain Strong


USDA's latest look at the domestic soybean ledger includes another increase in exports of U.S. soybean oil. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Global Demand for Soybean Oil


World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski explains the factors behind an increase in global soybean oil exports, including a rise in such exports from the U.S.

Daily Newsline

Big Cotton Production Gains Forecasted in India


Recent adjustments in USDA's December global cotton outlook reflect a significant increase in India's production forecast. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

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