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Blog del USDA

Mostrando: 191 - 200 de 7387 Resultados

Get Back to Healthful Eating With the Help of the DRI Calculator!

September 03, 2019 the Food and Nutrition Information Center staff, National Agricultural Library

What better time to get back to healthful eating than right now? As summer ends and before the holiday season begins, it’s a good time to take account of your goals and get to know your nutrient recommendations. Have you often wondered how to relate the nutrients listed on food labels to your...

Research and Science

Trees can do the Dirty Work of Waste Cleanup

August 30, 2019 Diane Banegas, Research and Development, USDA Forest Service

When it comes to ridding the earth of pollution leaking from dumps, closed landfills, and other waste sites, specific types of trees are quietly and efficiently absorbing the toxins.


Potential Future Increases in Intense Precipitation Events and Implications for Agriculture

August 30, 2019 Sanjeev Joshi, David Brown, Jurgen Garbrecht, and Phil Busteed, USDA-ARS Grazinglands Research Laboratory and Southern Plains Climate Hub

Intense precipitation is a mixed blessing for agricultural producers. Depending on its timing, severity, and the antecedent environmental conditions, it can bring much needed relief from droughts and strengthen crop and livestock productivity, or it can exacerbate flooding on already saturated...


Get Grilling with USDA Grade A Chicken

August 28, 2019 Robert Paschal, USDA Grader, AMS

With so many choices in the grocery aisle, looking for the USDA Grade A shield on your poultry is an easy way to pick out the chicken with consistent and verified quality.

Health and Safety

Want to Save Money? Invest in Agricultural Biosecurity

August 27, 2019 Prali Chitnis, Communications Staff Intern, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

A major war was fought in 2014-2015, with more than 200 battlefields and millions casualties in the United States alone. You may not have seen much of it on the news, but there’s a good chance your wallet felt it.

Research and Science

Clean THEN Sanitize: A One-Two Punch to Stop Foodborne Illness in the Kitchen

August 27, 2019 Meredith Carothers, MPH, and Chrystal Okonta, MSPH, Technical Information Specialists, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA

You’re about to sit down to a nice meal with a freshly cooked chicken breast. You have your dishes in the dishwasher and you’ve finished wiping down your surfaces. You’re done in your kitchen, right? Wrong! Whenever you cook raw meat or poultry, make sure you clean and THEN sanitize not just your...

Research and Science

Prescribed Fire Training Exchanges

August 23, 2019 Tim Melchert, Fire and Aviation Management, USDA Forest Service

Wildfires can negatively impact communities, as the past few years illustrate. However, many communities are surrounded by ecosystems where fire has always been a natural part of the landscape. These negative impacts can be reduced by returning fire to its natural role on the landscape, and the...


North Dakota Agriculture in One Word – Diverse

August 23, 2019 Darin Jantzi, North Dakota State Statistician, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Even before Lewis and Clark explored the Northern Plains in 1804 and 1805, agriculture was very prevalent in the area that later became North Dakota – and it’s even more so today. The 2017 Census of Agriculture showed that farms and ranches occupy 39.3 million acres of land in North Dakota, which is...

Research and Science

Common Mistakes College Students Make When Ordering Take Out

August 22, 2019 Nirav Shah, MBA, MPH, Public Affairs Specialist, FSIS

This is your first year of college, a step toward living life independently. You managed to get into a college, now what..!?! From the first day of freshman year until gradation, avoiding foodborne illness is as important as getting good grades and creating memories.

Health and Safety

Quotable Facts about State of Washington Agriculture

August 22, 2019 Chris Mertz, Director, NASS Northwest Region

To learn more about agriculture in the great state of Washington, check out the 2017 Census of Agriculture Washington State Profile (PDF, 948 KB).

Research and Science

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