Coexistence Factsheets

Coexistence refers to the concurrent cultivation of conventional, organic, IP, and genetically engineered (GE) crops consistent with underlying consumer preferences and farmer choices. Farmers and others in the food and feed production chain have an important role in collaborating to make coexistence work, particularly in the areas of stewardship, contracting and attention to gene flow.
As we seek to improve cooperation among those involved in diverse agricultural systems, we are interested in hearing what practices and activities are available or in use, and how USDA can help make coexistence work for everyone involved.
We have created a number of factsheets that define agricultural coexistence and can be accessed below.
- Best Practices (PDF, 56.8 KB)
- Biotech Farming (PDF, 45.5 KB)
- Contracts (PDF, 55.5 KB)
- Conventional Farming (PDF, 57.3 KB)
- Corn (PDF, 50.9 KB)
- Cotton (PDF, 51.8 KB)
- Crop Production Methods (PDF, 43.8 KB)
- Identity Preserved (PDF, 38.1 KB)
- Organic Farming (PDF, 50.8 KB)
- Overview (PDF, 45.0 KB)
- Soybeans (PDF, 49.4 KB)
- Specialty Farming (PDF, 36.6 KB)
- Sugar Beets (PDF, 46.9 KB)