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Keep Food “Cool for the Summer” to Avoid Foodborne Illness

One of the best things about the summer is finally getting to enjoy the warm weather outside, Backyard barbecues and picnics for you and your household can be a great way to get outside while staying safe. But rising temperatures can also bring food safety risks. During warm weather it’s even more important to make sure your food is safe by keeping it “cool for the summer.”

Florida Lab is on the Front Lines in Battle Against Invasive Species

Despite diligent inspection efforts, invasive species still enter our country, overrunning great areas and causing substantial damage. These non-native, exotic plant species threaten agriculture, forestry, and ecosystems by reducing crop yields, degrading water quality, and threatening biodiversity in altered habitats.

Stop Invasive Pests in Their Tracks with Tips from APHIS and PlayCleanGo this Summer

Summer is here, and it’s time to head outdoors! June is National Camping Month, and it also features National Trails Day, National Recreational Vehicle Day, World Ocean Day, and National Get Outdoors Day. But before you hit the trails or the waterways this summer, take a few precautions to avoid giving invasive pests a free ride to new territories. We have some ideas on how you can help!

At the Heart of The Buckeye State

Ever wonder where Ohio’s nickname came from? Ohio is commonly referred to as “The Buckeye State” due to the prevalence of the Ohio Buckeye, named Ohio’s official state tree in the 1950s. According to USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the name refers to the tree’s nuts and their resemblance to the eye of a deer. But don’t eat these nuts! NRCS warns that all parts of the Ohio Buckeye are toxic to humans and livestock. Luckily there are many other things we can eat that come out of this great state.

A Summer Grilling How-To

Grilling is a summer classic enjoyed by many. One of the awesome things about grilling is that you can grill pretty much anything! Burgers, chicken, seafood, vegetables … they’re all delicious when cooked on the grill. But did you know that there are food safety steps to follow no matter what you’re cooking? Keep reading to learn about safe grilling of all foods.

Milk Findings May Help Infants Worldwide

Today is World Milk Day! In America, the average consumption of milk is about 146 pounds (17 gallons) per person per year according to data from USDA’s Economic Research Service. Children account for a large portion of milk drinkers, particularly infants as milk is meant to be the sole source of nutrition for infants until age 6 months.

How to Save More on Fruits and Vegetables

Support your health with good nutrition while spending less money. has resources to help you get the best price on produce and cook tasty, low-cost recipes while staying at home to protect yourself and others and slow the spread of COVID-19. Fit fruits and vegetables into your food budget with these 3 tips.