*Denotes an alternate agency contact specifically designated to review allegations of research misconduct (i.e., fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results).
USDA Departmental Scientific Integrity Officer (DSIO)/Research Integrity Officer
William C. Trenkle
Phone: 202-690-0745
Email: william.trenkle@usda.gov
Agricultural Marketing Service
Michael E. Sheats
Phone: (202) 690-3145
Email: michael.sheats@usda.gov
Agricultural Research Service
Pam Starke-Reed
Phone: (301) 504-4788
Email: pamela.starke-reed@usda.gov
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Alan Pearson
Phone: (301) 851-3944
Email: alan.pearson@usda.gov
Economic Research Service
Kelly Maguire
Phone: (202) 694-5448
Email: kelly.b.maguire@usda.gov
Farm Service Agency
Ed Rall
Phone: (202) 445-5576
Email: ed.rall@usda.gov
Food and Nutrition Service
Joseph Clift
Phone: 667-331-0576
Email: joseph.clift@usda.gov
Food Safety and Inspection Service
Alexander Domesle
Phone: 202-720-9258
Email: alexander.domesle@usda.gov
Foreign Agricultural Service
Chris Peterson
Phone: 202-720-6713
Email: chris.peterson@usda.gov
Forest Service
Alexander L. Friend
Phone: (202) 205-1665
Email: alexander.friend@usda.gov
Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration
Timothy D. Norden
Phone: (816) 891-0470
Email: timothy.d.norden@usda.gov
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Denise A. Abreu
Phone: 202-631-0056
Email: denise.abreu@usda.gov
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
R. Brent Elrod
Phone: 202-445-5456
Email: richard.elrod@usda.gov
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Noller Herbert
Phone: 202-720-5125
Email: noller.herbert@usda.gov
Office of Advocacy and Outreach
Kenya Nicholas
Phone: (202) 692-0098
Email: kenya.nicholas@usda.gov
Office of Budget and Program Analysis
Mark Smith
Phone: (202) 720-4509
Email: mark.smith@usda.gov
Office of the Chief Economist
Linda Abbott
Phone: (202) 720-8022
Email: labbott@usda.gov
Risk Management Agency
Trina Weilert
Phone: (816) 926-3942
Email: trina.weilert@usda.gov
Rural Development
Alexis Solano
Phone: 202-690-3407
Email: alexis.solano@usda.gov