Animal Science
Through applied research and developing technology, USDA has made strides in the research of animal diseases, stress and well-being, veterinary biologics, and BSE.
Through applied research and developing technology, USDA has made strides in the research of animal diseases, stress and well-being, veterinary biologics, and BSE. This new technology also is aimed at prevention of suffering and death caused by diseases in agriculturally important livestock and poultry.
USDA is continuously conducting animal health research and monitoring to protect threats to our Nation's food supply economy. USDA tracks animal health and welfare issues as they relate to food safety and the production and availability of animals for processing into meat.
Critical Resources
USDA offers various resources on Animal Production, including animal research programs, data and statistics on meats and poultry, alternative farming trends, livestock identification to the general public, and range programs.
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Through applied research and developing technology, USDA has made strides in the research of animal diseases, stress and well-being, veterinary biologics, and BSE.
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USDA conducts surveillance for Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), referred to as "mad cow disease", in cattle to determine if, and at what level, the disease is present in the U.S. cattle population. Our surveillance program allows us to assess any change in the BSE disease status of U.S. cattle, and identify any rise in BSE prevalence in this country.
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The health of animals, people and the environment is connected. The "One Health" approach is the collaborative effort of the human health, veterinary health and environmental health communities. Through this collaboration, USDA achieves optimal health outcomes for both animals and people.
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