To promote and assist exportation, USDA offers a variety of valuable tools and services to assist users in advertising their products overseas, finding foreign buyers for their products, and participating in trade shows. USDA provides comprehensive export, trade data, and forecasting research and reports. Users can utilize the numerous databases to search by product or country.
In a global marketplace, supply and demand in one area of the world can greatly impact the agricultural production in another. American products are shipped world-wide, and USDA works with nations around the globe to solidify and increase trade opportunities for U.S. farmers and businesses.
The Foreign Agricultural Service
The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) links U.S. agriculture to the world to enhance export opportunities and global food security.
In addition to its Washington, D.C. staff, FAS has a global network of nearly 100 offices covering approximately 180 countries. These offices are staffed by agricultural attachés and locally hired agricultural experts who are the eyes, ears, and voice for U.S. agriculture around the world. FAS staff identify problems, provide practical solutions, and work to advance opportunities for U.S. agriculture and support U.S. foreign policy around the globe.
FAS partners with more than 70 cooperator groups representing a cross-section of the U.S. food and agricultural industry and manages a toolkit of trade promotion programs to help U.S. exporters develop and maintain markets for hundreds of products.