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USDA Launches Interactive Agriculture and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Data Viewer

December 05, 2024 Leah Roffman, Climate Fellow, Office of the Chief Economist

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has recently launched the Agriculture and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data Viewer, an interactive tool that allows users to explore long-term trends in greenhouse gas emissions and sinks within agriculture and forestry sectors.

Climate Data Forestry

Has Global Agricultural Trade been Resilient under COVID-19?

May 20, 2021 Mirvat Sewadeh, Communications Director, Office of the Chief Economist

Last year, as COVID-19 rattled the world economy and disrupted trade flows, agricultural trade remained mostly stable, falling only two percent during the initial wave of infections and lockdowns, before bouncing back and ending the year up 3.5 percent. But the growth in agricultural trade doesn’t...


America’s Farmers: Resilient Throughout the COVID Pandemic

September 24, 2020 Robert Johansson, USDA Chief Economist

The disruptive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the U.S. agricultural system have been broad and varied. And they follow several years of trying production and market conditions for U.S. farmers. In 2017 and 2018, several hurricanes pummeled U.S. farms; 2019 brought historically poor planting...

Coronavirus Farming Trade

USDA Expert Helps Shape Global Agricultural Outlook Report

July 03, 2018 Joanna Hitchner, Oilseeds Analyst, Office of the Chief Economist, World Agricultural Outlook Board

Each year, agricultural experts from around the world gather in Paris to crunch numbers, analyze trends, and produce a 10-year global agriculture outlook report. I was among those analysts, and today, we unveiled our collective efforts in the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2018-2027.

Trade Research and Science

Quantifying Water Quality Benefits of Conservation Practices

January 18, 2018 Mindy Selman, Senior Analyst, USDA Office of Environmental Markets

Although we know that farm conservation practices, like cover crops, reduced tillage and nutrient management, as well as improve overall performance and environmental outcomes, it’s difficult to say exactly how these practices affect resources, such as water quality. We can say that the water coming...


New Caribbean Climate Hub Video Teaches Kids About Agriculture

June 06, 2017 William A. Gould, US Forest Service/USDA Caribbean Climate Hub and Isabel K. Parés, US Forest Service/Caribbean Climate Hub Coordinator

Sr. Sapo is a very popular figure among children in Puerto Rico and Latin America and he has a new healthy hobby, agriculture! The USDA Caribbean Climate Hub and the musical group Atención Atención Inc. partnered to produce a video focusing on how food is grown and its relationship with nature.

Climate Food and Nutrition

Drought Conditions at Lowest Point since Autumn 2010

February 28, 2017 Dr. Robert Johansson, USDA Chief Economist

Nationally, we are seeing extreme to exceptional (D3 to D4) drought conditions fall to their lowest point in more than 6 years. Nowhere is that change more dramatic than in California. The current (February 21, 2017) Drought Monitor for California notes the disappearance of D3/D4 from California. At...


Innovation is Driving Down Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Corn-based Ethanol

January 12, 2017 Dr. Robert Johansson, Chief Economist, USDA

Ethanol, primarily derived from corn, supplies about 10 percent of US motor fuel needs. A new study from ICF which was released today, titled “ A Life-Cycle Analysis of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Corn-Based Ethanol,” finds that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with corn-based ethanol...

Energy Conservation

USDA Market News - As Diverse as the Agricultural Landscape

September 28, 2016 Craig A. Morris, Deputy Administrator of the AMS Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program

As the agricultural landscape evolves to meet consumer demand, USDA Market News works to ensure that emerging sectors have the unbiased, reliable data they need to succeed in the marketplace. USDA Market News – administered by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) – provides data that serves...

USDA Results

Working with Livestock Industry to Provide Critical Market Intelligence

September 14, 2016 Craig A. Morris, Deputy Administrator of the AMS Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program

The Livestock Mandatory Price Reporting (LMR) Program was created to expand pricing information available to the livestock industry. The data is collected and distributed by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) through its USDA Market News division to provide market information for cattle...

USDA Results
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