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Endangered Species Act

Unknown Population of Rare, Endangered Tree Discovered

June 17, 2021 Michelle Banks Tice, USDA Public Affairs Specialist

Until now, only a single Harbison's hawthorn ( Crataegus harbisonii) tree was thought to exist in the wild, growing in the limestone soils of Percy Warner Park in Nashville, Tennessee.


Speaking for Turtles - Working to Increase Turtle Populations

August 17, 2018 Sophie Morin, National Partnership Office, USDA Forest Service

Located in northern Wisconsin, the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest has been called home by many species of turtles. The wood turtle, which resides in this forest, is classified as a Species of Concern and is under consideration by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to list under the Endangered...


Research Can Help the Economy and Inform Policy

February 16, 2017 Cody Sullivan, U.S. Forest Service Research and Development

When most people think of forests, science isn’t the first thing that comes to mind, but, perhaps, it should. That’s because the U.S. Forest Service Research and Development program oversees projects across many science disciplines including forestry, genetics, wildlife, forest products and wildfire...

Forestry Research and Science

Restored Wetlands Provide Critical Habitat for Migratory Birds, Many Other Species

September 12, 2016 Amy Overstreet, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Vermont

Wetlands and wildlife – they’re made for each other. Wetlands provide critical habitat, shelter food and places to raise young. Landowners across the country are voluntarily restoring and protecting wetlands on private lands. This not only provides high-value wildlife habitat but provides many other...


Teddy Bears are Alive and Well Thanks to Stewardship-Minded Farmers in Louisiana

March 10, 2016 John Pitre, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Fresh into my career as a wildlife biologist with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), two things happened: a new Farm Bill conservation program was born, and the Louisiana black bear was listed under the Endangered Species Act. Both were very connected, even if I didn’t know it at...


Habitat Restoration Benefits Both Wildlife and Working Lands

December 10, 2015 Jason Weller, Chief, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Seventy percent of the land in the lower 48 states is privately owned, home to productive working farms, ranches and forests that account for much of our nation’s open space and wildlife habitat. For 80 years USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service has worked side-by-side with America’s...


Gopher Tortoise Habitats Thrive along Alabama's Gulf Coast

October 19, 2015 Amelia Hines Dortch, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Alabama

Longleaf pine forests once dominated the Southeast. But over the past two centuries, many of these forests have disappeared along with the wildlife that called them home. Recent efforts to enhance longleaf forests on private lands are helping the ecosystem rebound as well as wildlife like the gopher...


Community Unites to Help At-Risk New England Cottontail

September 29, 2015 Jocelyn Benjamin, Natural Resources Conservation Service

A New Hampshire community came together to help restore habitat for the New England cottontail, a native rabbit of the region. For this rabbit, habitat restoration is pretty simple, planting the shrubs that are the cornerstones of its ideal habitat. Nearly 40 volunteers gathered in April to plant...


Private Lands Conservation Helps Put New England Cottontail on Road to Recovery

September 11, 2015 Jason Weller, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Chief

Wildlife and working lands go hand in hand. Today, thanks to the hard work of private landowners and land managers, the New England cottontail will not need protection under the Endangered Species Act. Widespread habitat loss since the 1960s impacted New England cottontail numbers. But people like...


Greater Sage-Grouse Population on the Rise

August 17, 2015 Lori Valadez, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Montana

The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) designated greater sage-grouse in 2010 as a candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Later this year, the FWS will determine whether to list the species or remove it from consideration based on the conservation actions implemented to...

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