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Biofuels: Ready to Fly into the Future

September 13, 2021 Justin Bredlau, PhD, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, Office of the Chief Scientist and William Goldner, PhD, Senior Advisor for Renewable Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment, Office of the Chief Scientist

Imagine flying from Los Angeles to the Washington, D.C. region on a plane fueled with American farm products or forestry waste. Sounds farfetched? Well, it is already becoming a reality. Thanks to U.S. production of sustainable aviation fuel, airlines can help address climate change and create rural...

Climate Energy Research and Science

Can Family-Owned Forests Help the U.S. Achieve a Low-Carbon Future?

July 19, 2021 Lucas Isakowitz, Natural Resources Conservation Service Presidential Management Fellow

A USDA Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) project is trying to reimagine how carbon markets can work with and for small landholders. The Family Forest Carbon Program (FFCP), led by the American Forest Foundation (AFF) and The Nature Conservancy, bases carbon payments on specific forest management...

Conservation Forestry

The Wood Product and Carbon Connection

October 07, 2019 Aurora Cutler, Alexa Dugan, and Duncan McKinley, Office of Sustainability and Climate, USDA Forest Service

When we think of a renewable resource, the first thing that usually pops in our head are the solar panels on our neighbor’s roof or perhaps the water that flows from the mountains. Rarely does a stand of trees root in our idea of a renewable resource.


New Revenue Option for Ag Producers to Yield Attractive Returns

July 26, 2018 Lindsay White and Michelle Banks, NRCS

Oregon ranchers Dan and Suzy Probert grow cattle and healthy soil. And with the help of Farm Bill programs, they’re protecting the Lightning Creek Ranch from development as well as finding new revenue options like carbon trading markets.


Protecting the Earth’s ‘Thin Skin’

December 12, 2017 Jan Suszkiw, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA Agricultural Research Service

Though remarkably thin, soil makes up a layer of the Earth’s crust that’s vital to human survival. The soil is a living, breathing thing that, like the body’s skin, requires care and attention lest we lose its many benefits.

Research and Science

Spurring Agricultural Innovation Across the Nation

June 21, 2017 Michelle Thomas, NRCS

“He would often dream up new ideas and inventions that he would build in his shop and implement on his farm. Most all of them worked better than anything else available. He never faced a hill that he didn’t think could be flattened with a lot of hard work and determination, and he taught those...


The Wonders of Wood Buildings

June 03, 2016 William Shoutis, Bozeman Ranger District, U.S. Forest Service

Trees do plenty of work to sequester carbon on their own, but many forests are not as healthy as they should be due to fire suppression and climate change. This can leave trees vulnerable to large scale insect damage, fire or drought, and much of the carbon stored by forests is lost to the...


Climate-Smart Practices Keep the Land Covered

May 10, 2016 Margaret Smither-Kopperl, Manager, Lockeford Plant Materials Center, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Lockeford, CA

All this month we will be taking a look at what a changing climate means to Agriculture. The ten regional USDA Climate Hubs were established to synthesize and translate climate science and research into easily understood products and tools that land managers can use to make climate-informed...

Conservation Research and Science USDA Results

Innovation in Conservation - A New Slate of NRCS Environmental Markets Projects

September 18, 2015 Kari Cohen, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Environmental markets—the buying and selling of ecosystem services like clean air and water, and wildlife habitat—help more private landowners get conservation on the ground. Markets attract non-Federal funding to conservation, complement USDA’s work with agricultural producers, and can yield...


USDA Conservation Innovation Grant Helps Rice Growers Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Voluntarily Participate in California's Carbon Market

July 10, 2015 Kari Cohen, Special Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Science and Technology, NRCS

Imagine a rice farmer in Arkansas altering his water management techniques to deliver water more efficiently and use fewer days of flooding, allowing for more precise water and nutrient management while maintaining consistent yields. After a decision by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), in...

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